
// ES5
var a = 20;
var b = 30;
var string = a + "+" + b + "=" + (a + b);

// ES6
const a = 20;
const b = 30;
const string = `${a}+${b}=${a+b}`;

模板字符串使用反引号`` 将整个字符串包裹起来,变量或者表达式则使用${}来包裹。


var elemString = `<div>
    <p>So you crossed the line, how'd you get that far?</p>
    <p>${word} you give it a try.</p>



// 变量
const hello = 'hello';
let message = `${hello}, world!`;

// 表达式
const a = 40;
const b = 50;
let result = `the result is: ${a + b}`;

// 函数
let fn = () => {
    const result = 'you are the best.';
    return result;
let str = `he said: ${fn()}`

results matching ""

    No results matching ""